A higher standard of dress encourages greater respect for individuals, students and others, and results in
a higher standard of behavior. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress during normal
school days. SCA reserves the right to interpret these guidelines and/or make changes during the school
year. Students are expected to follow these guidelines. Every student in attendance shall wear the school

A student in violation of the dress code will receive a dress code violation/detention, may be asked to
leave and return when in compliance, or may choose to call for appropriate attire and wait in the office
until such attire has arrived and student has changed. The student will be marked absent, unexcused. We
all desire the students to be in class, but we cannot have a policy that some follow and others do not.
Parents select to have their children attend SCA with full acknowledgement of the expectations and
policies. Purchasing uniforms from SCA designated and approved vendors are a policy requirement.
Parents may not purchase an article of clothing and have it embroidered with the SCA logo. This is a
copyright infringement.

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment, we have implemented a
dress code policy designed with your safety in mind and aims to minimize the risk of accidents and

1. **Closed-Toe Shoes**: To protect your feet from potential hazards, please wear closed-toe shoes at
all times. This is particularly important in areas where there is a risk of falling objects or exposure to
sharp materials. The construction trades programs require work-boots.

2. **Protective Clothing**: When working with machinery or hazardous materials, please wear the
appropriate protective clothing, such as long sleeves, long pants, and gloves. This reduces the risk of
skin injuries and exposure to harmful substances.

3. School sanctioned uniform shirt: **100% Cotton T-Shirts**: We require that T-shirts be 100% cotton
because cotton is less flammable than synthetic materials. This provides an additional layer of safety,
especially in environments where there is a potential fire hazard.

4. **Dickies Pants**: We require the use of Dickies pants (black or khaki) due to their reinforced knees,
reinforced seams, stain/fade/wrinkle resistant, and thicker, less flammable material. These features offer
enhanced protection against wear and tear as well as potential fire hazards, ensuring your safety while
performing physically demanding tasks.

5. **Hair and Accessories**: Long hair should be tied back, and loose accessories (jewelry) should be
avoided to prevent entanglement in machinery. This is crucial for preventing serious accidents and
ensuring smooth operation.

6. **High-Visibility Attire**: In designated areas, wearing high-visibility clothing is mandatory. This
ensures that you are easily seen by others, particularly in environments with heavy equipment or low

By adhering to these guidelines, we can create a safer learning space for everyone. We appreciate your
cooperation and commitment to maintaining a safe environment. If you have any questions or need
further clarification on the dress code policy, please do not hesitate to contact administration or your

• School approved shirts from school designated vendor.
• School approved hoodies, jackets or outerwear from school designated vendor.
• Dickies Workpants (black or khaki) https://www.dickies.com/
• Work boots with reinforced toes or tennis shoes/sneakers with backs & closed toed, only. Shoes
must always be tied.

Not Allowable:
Anything in contrary to the above

Allowable on designated dress down days:
• Pants or slacks in a black, blue, grey khaki, or tan color.
• Denim jeans (solid color of blue, black or gray denim with no acid wash, logos, markings, or
• Pants worn at the waist at all times
• Shorts, capris or skirts worn at the waist (finger-tip length).
• Club and athletic shirts on designated days only

Not Allowable on designated dress down days:
Wearing any of these items will result in a dress code violation (resulting in assigned detentions).
• Any low cut tops, tank tops, crop tops, or tops with thin straps (nothing less than a cap sleeve)
• Pajamas, sweatpants, spandex pants/jeggings, leggings, athletic wear
• Any bottoms with frays, rips, or tears regardless of whether skin can be seen or not
• Crocs or open toed shoes

PE Dress Code
PE uniform from school designated vendor only
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